Hi, my name is

Eric (ERIC.L)

Registered since November 2016

  Email verified


Registered since November 2016, our member "Eric" (also known as ERIC.L) welcomes you for your thematic night, weekend or week in France with Kookooning. Book an activity or an accommodation in an unusual place and share your passions with Eric. Discover a new way of travel and spend unique and unforgettable holidays with ERIC.L. Kookooning is the only service that aims to relate pleasant hosts and travellers around the idea to share a passion during a short stay: a night, a weekend or more. Currently, ERIC.L proposes 0 accommodation(s) and 1 activitie(s) that you will be surprised to discover. ERIC.L's activities you will enjoy: Pêche à la mouch.

